- Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:02 am
Whilst you're out and about, be it in front of your very own house, maybe out shopping or even on holiday, you can sometimes come across cars that are special in some way, be it beacuse they're supercars that you don't see very often, rare historic cars, cool or stupidly modified cars, or just plain interesting or out of the ordinary cars... !
So, I though that I'd share some of the cars that I've come across over the years !
Photos are from my own town, Mom and Dad's place, and whilst on holiday in the UK, Jersey, Italy, Sweden and Japan...
This of course excludes any cars seen at dealerships, car shows, mettings, track days, races or rallys.
Part 1 of 2 :

So, I though that I'd share some of the cars that I've come across over the years !

Photos are from my own town, Mom and Dad's place, and whilst on holiday in the UK, Jersey, Italy, Sweden and Japan...
This of course excludes any cars seen at dealerships, car shows, mettings, track days, races or rallys.

Part 1 of 2 :